FOCHA is designed to fit your favorite specialty coffee varieties and your preferred coffee roaster.

6 kg batch size

Drum Speed Control
Double Drum Wall

Pre - Mix burner
Direct Fire System
Blower Speed Control

GRS Pro- Profile Roasting System
Touch Screen Panel

FOCHA identity system kicks open the door to opportunities, to deliver new ideas.
The design motivation of FOCHA is to deliver a technological product that fits the industry demand, following current trends, brand differentiation, and building a product-space-user relationship.
Contact Us
Schedule an online meeting with our sales specialist for direct contact quickly and conveniently. Installation check, roast-along, troubleshooting and operational duties on call online.
Whatsapp : +90 530 028 76 80
TOP 10 Q&A

What is the best thing about FOCHA?
Heat isolation. In the area where the roaster is located, the roaster does not radiate heat to the environment due to the high insulation. Except front surface, you can touch the machine during roasting process. But you still don't do this all the time for other safety reasons :)

Why should I buy FOCHA?
FOCHA is a roasting machine that can meet the needs of high-performance, fast-response burner, temperature, gas, airflow controls, data analysis, automation, heat insulation, and space-product relationship, especially of specialty coffee roasteries. It has a system that can be integrated into sustainable carbon emission design and automation studies in the future. FOCHA is an investment in the near and far future.

World of Coffee 2022 Winner FOCHA
The development of FOCHA design included in-depth research into brand differentiation and production processes. It turns visually iconic and functionally sophisticated with delicate design details, The unique design makes the product stand out on the market, beckoning master roasters to use.
iF Design Award 2024 WINNER
Communcation and Branding
FOCHA form building visual collection
Professional Training at Garanti Roasters Factory
Intermediate Coffee Roasting Course - Specialty Coffee Approach with FOCHA Roaster
(4 days)